Shreyas Giridharan

Hello, World! I'm Shreyas, a Research Assistant and a PhD candidate in the Institute of Geotechnical Engineering, headed by Univ. Prof. Dr.-Ing. habil. Christian Moormann at the University of Stuttgart.

I specialise in the field of large deformation modelling and I am working on developing a novel numerical method called Material Point Method. The code was written from scratch in-house, can simulate solid, fluid and saturated components (think wet soil) and have implemented a library of constitutive laws, ranging from simple ones, like Mohr-Coulomb to complex laws that capture liquefaction, like UBCSAND. My interest lies is developing softwares for numerically modelling large deformations, for both solids and fluids.

I have a new website here. Check it out!

More about me

I had previously worked in Sundram Fasteners Limited in Chennai, India as an Assistant Manager in the Sales and Marketing department. I worked on with a team in getting a new manufacturing up and running, producing 8-Speed transmission components for General Motors and Panther Engine components for Ford Motor Company. I was also given the oppurtunity to take lead of a team, whose task was to ensure MMOG-A Level certification for the manufacturing plant.

I graduated with a M.Sc. in Computational Mechanics of Materials and Structures, and my Thesis dealt with implementing a novel contact algorithm combining classical finite elements and Material Point Continuum. I also presented my paper in Delft in 2017.

I started my PhD work examining ways to capture large deformation modelling as a consequence of liquefaction. My work published in 2019 examined the application of Material Point Method towards capturing the large deformations as a consequence of sea-dike failure due to liquefaction. I also applied this method towards simulating installation of an offshore-monopile. A comparison between the behaviour of different constitutive laws was also provided. I have worked extensively in FORTRAN, C++, Python and worked with commerical FE softwares like ABAQUS, PLAXIS and ANSYS.

Outside of work, I enjoy playing my Violin and my Flute. I also enjoy Distro-Hopping (favourite - Pop! OS, currently using - Arch (btw!)).


Research Assistant

University of Stuttgart
  • Currently working on a research project "VISSKA" supported by the Federal Ministry of Economic Affairs and energy, with the aim to develop a numerical forecast model for installing monopiles using the vibro piling method, and to numerically estimate the noise emissions.
  • Worked on a project funded by RWE AG to numerically simulate model piles. Developed a code using CPDI method and implemented a constitutive law to capture liquefaction effects during installation. Later, used the tool to compare the results against a pile installed on-site.
  • Developed a Fortran based Material Point Method tool with OpenMP parallelisation, capable of simulating large deformation in solid and fluid constituents.
  • Implemented a novel multibody contact algorithm, incorporating Finite Element domain into the Material Point continuum and used the numerical tool in third-party projects for RWE and Innogy SE.
  • Coordinator for the course Geoengineering and Geohydrology. Lectured and tutored the courses Engineering Materials, Numerical Modelling of Soils, Geoengineering and Geostatik.
February 2017 - Present

Assistant Manager

Sundram Fasteners Limited, India
  • Coordinator for manufacturing feasibility study, part cost estimation and initial manufacturing layout for the Panther Engine Project components for Ford Motor Company and 8-Speed Transmission components for General Motors.
  • Served as single point contact for Prototype Parts submission for Ford Motor Company and General Motors.
  • Lead a multi-department team for MMOG-A Level certification from Ford Motor Company for entire manufacturing line successfully.
September 2012 - August 2014


University of Stuttgart

Masters of Science
Computational Mechanics of Materials and Structures (COMMAS)

GPA: 1.8

October 2014 - November 2016

SRM University, Chennai, India

Bachelors in Technology
Mechanical Engineering

GPA: 1.3 (9.48/10.00)

August 2008 - May 2012

Kendriya Vidyalaya C.L.R.I., Chennai, India

Senior School Certificate Examination

GPA: 1.8 (81/100)

August 2006 - May 2008


Programming Languages
  • C++
  • Python
  • MS Excel VBA
  • MAPLE 18

Numerical Tools
  • ANSYS Mechanical APDL
  • ANSYS Workbench

Data Visualisation Tools
  • GiD
  • Origin
  • Matplotlib
  • Gnuplot


    If you wish to learn more about me, my Resume, in English and in German, is available.

    Looking forward to hearing from you.

    (updated on 17.08.2021)